Sponsor a marriage retreat specifically for the couples in your parish.
Over the years we have seen the wonderful blessing that a marriage retreat is for couples. Regardless of their age, how long they have been married, or where they are in their faith, couples greatly benefit from attending a weekend retreat. Through God’s grace, spouses walk away rejuvenated and renewed in their commitment and love for God and each other.
In an effort to assist church parishes in their work to “strengthen and support couples”, offer opportunities that will lead families and couples “to a deeper embrace of Christ” as well as foster and buildup parish life, we invite you to a unique opportunity to sponsor or reserve one of our couples retreats for your married parishioners.
The Faith & Marriage Apostolate will plan, organize and lead the retreat while the Christian Life Retreat Center will take care of all the accommodations and meals. The parish will take on the responsibility to promote and market the retreat to their married couples.
The difference between “reserving a weekend” or “sponsoring a weekend” concerns with cost. Reserving a weekend means that the “suggested donation” from the weekend is passed directly to the couples and the Parish is not responsible for any shortfalls. However, sponsoring a weekend means that the parish will cover all or some of the “suggested donation”.
Have another question besides what you see below? Please reach out with our Contact form, and we'll be happy to follow up
The suggested donation for a one night, two day retreat is $360 per couple. If the retreat weekend is from Friday night to Sunday, there is an additional $85 added to the suggestion donation.
The Christian Life Retreat Center can accommodate a maximum of 30 couples. Two of those rooms are reserved for two of the speaker couples.
We have various digital marketing pieces that we can customize for your parish as well as an online registration page.
While we want to make it simple and appealing for parishes to reserve or sponsor a weekend, having the Pastor or Parochial Vicar present is huge! Not so much for the help with Confessions, Mass and maybe a homily, but more so because of the impact it makes on the couples having their Father with them.
After submitting the form below, Jason will contact you to discuss and help you begin planning