On-Site Events

It is so important to highlight that one of the solutions to the problem of divorce and apathy in marriage is a knowledge of the divine plan for marriage and fidelity to the living out that plan. It is hard for couples to conform to God’s will when they are not continually enriched to God’s plan for marriage. We offer various opportunities for parishes to present God’s wonderful plan of marriage as well as providing insights on how to live out that plan.

How can we help with your parish?

Can’t make it to the Abbey for a retreat or want to have Jason or Dr. Mario talk at an event? You can have one or both of them come to you! The Faith and Marriage Ministry offers various types of presentations each formatted to provide witness and catechesis to the truth of God’s Awesome plan for marriage. Our goal is to provide an in-depth look at the truth of who we are in Christ, our vocation and the steps toward a joy-filled and vibrant marriage. Or we can help you plan, organize and market your next marriage enrichment event at your parish. Just give us a call or fill out the form below and let us know how we can help lead your spouses to a deeper knowledge of the truth.

“In order, therefore, to restore due order in this matter of marriage, it is necessary that all should bear in mind what is the divine plan and strive to conform to it.” (Casti Connubii 96.4)

The content will address questions like:

• How are couples to live out the truth of marriage?
• How can couples divorce-proof their marriage?
• What is God’s purpose and plan for marriage?
• How can married couples strengthen their love and commitment to God and each other?
• What is the truth of love, the role of chastity in marriage, and the responsibility of a married person in the world?


“Faith & Marriage Talk” is an hour to two-hour presentation devoted to a particular topic on marriage. Talks can be given as a stand-alone presentation or offered in a series.

“Faith & Marriage Seminar” is broken down into three or four lectures, given
over the course of a day.

“Faith & Marriage Workshop” is like a mini-retreat where married couples will have the great opportunity to reflect individually and as a couple on the content being presented.

We have a variety of presenters to choose from so please contact us today and let us know how we can assist you in spreading the Good News of God’s great plan for married love!

Mario's Speaking Topics

Gift of Marriage

Understand how to live a lifelong marriage through practical advice on staying connected spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Discerning a Vocation

Breaking down the joys and challenges of knowing where God is calling you in life.

Being a Man

Learn about the psychological differences between men and women and how to cultivate a healthy masculine identity in today’s culture.

Healing Emotional Pain

See the good things God can do with every moment of our past and present.

Overcoming Pornography

Explore the damagining spiritual, emotional, and neurological effects of porn and the first steps towards recovery.

Catholic Counseling

Find the points of connection between the Faith and sound counseling theory.

Jason's Speaking Topics

Forming the Christian Spirituality of Marriage & Family Life

This presentation focuses on what Saint John Paul II proclaimed to be “infallible and indispensable” in forming the “Christian spirituality of conjugal and familial life” as well as ways to foster this formation for a stronger foundation.

Parenting Purity

Using the teaching of St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and offering practical insights, you will learn how to best and most effectively lead your loved ones away from the many lies and temptations that wait for them at every age.

A Couple that Prays together

Fostering Families of Faith

In this special presentation you will learn more on God’s awesome plan and promise for the family and receive practical steps in strengthening the your family in the Faith.

Love, Freedom and the Pursuit of Purity

Jason delivers sound and honest teaching, while sharing insightful advice through personal witness and humor to guide teens away from the many lies and temptations that bombard their hearts and confuse their minds.

A Marriage Rich in Mercy and Abounding in Love

Dominated or Redeemed: Reclaiming our identity in Christ

In a time when true manhood is severely under attack, Christ is ever calling us to rise up from the darkness and courageously carry the cross and enter into His victory. We will outline the battle plan and the way to arm ourselves for the fight that we are called to engage in.

Theology of the Body for Couples

We invite all married couples to come hear this life-changing message and how it answers our deepest questions and provides keys to a thriving and fulfilling love!

Becoming Men of God

Want More Information on On-Site Events? contact Jason Angelette at (504) 830-3716 or jangelette@willwoods.org

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