August 31, 2017
“We have to realize that the ability for us to accomplish the things that we think we need to do - to do God’s will - that source and that strength is not in us alone. That source and that strength comes from God alone. We need to be receptive to that.”Jason challenges believers who say that they don’t have time to pray. It was St. Francis who said that you should pray at least 30 minutes a day, and when you’re busy, you should pray for an hour. This is a reminder that there will always be things that we feel we need to do, but there is nothing we need more than than God. He is the source of the strength that we need to do the tasks that lie before us.He also looks to the example of Mother Theresa’s prayer life. When she was challenged about how much time she could be doing ministry if she wasn’t before the blessed sacrament, she doubled her time in prayer. Toward the end of her life she began spending three hours in prayer - she knew that she could not carry on without the strength of the Lord.No one will arrive on their dying day and say, “I wish I had not spend so much time in prayer.” Rather we will all come to realize that we have relied too heavily on ourselves, and could always be more connected to the Father.