046 – Praying Through a Pandemic with Dr. Tom Neal and Fr. Ephrem Arcement

It is an understatement to say that we are in a moment of crisis. Many of us are struggling with the COVID-19 sickness, have family members who infected, and all of us of having to find a new normal under stay-at-home mandates. So, how can we find hope in the midst of this global pandemic? How are we trust in God? What are we supposed to be praying for? That’s today’s focus, and joining me are Dr. Tom Neal (a familiar voice on this podcast), and Fr. Ephrem Arcement, a Benedictine monk from St. Joseph’s Abbey in St. Benedict, LA.

In the first interview with Dr. Neal, we talk about how to find God in the midst of this crisis, how to make this a time of purgation and repentance, and whether or not this is the final chastisement and tribulation. Then, with Fr. Ephrem, we examine lessons of monastic life that can be applied to the lay vocation, how to create a Rule of Life, and resist the temptations of idleness and acedia.

I pray this episode brings your peace and comfort during this time. Please reach out on Facebook or Instagram @drmariosacasa. Know that I’m praying for you.

Websites mentioned in the show:

Dr. Tom Neal’s Blog 

St. Joseph Abbey and Seminary College

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