Have you ever wondered if doing your taxes and changing diapers can make you a saint? Have you ever looked at the circumstances of your life and said, “God how does this make me a better person”? If so, how do we find holiness in the mundane tasks of ordinary life?
Joining me on the show to have a rich and deep conversation about these questions, is Dr. Tony Marco, Assistant Professor of Theology at Marian University’s Ancilla College. In today’s episode, we talk about the role of the laity in the Church’s mission, what it means to be leaven from within and consecrate the world, how to see the sacred in the secular, why the theological insights of Maximus the Confessor are relevant today, how we grow in holiness, and what God expects of the gifts he has given.
We have a beautiful conversation honoring the importance of the lay vocation and the call for all of us to make something beautiful of the life God has given us.
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