093 – Br. Sam Gunn on Breaking Bad Habits

Just in time for Lent, let’s talk about how to break those bad habits in life! Joining me on the show is Br Sam Gunn, BH, who was my campus minister when I was in college, to talk about his new book “Clean Break.”

We start the show by talking about how we came to know Jesus, the mission of the Brotherhood of Hope, the importance of campus ministry, and the types of questions young adults are asking.

Then, we transition to a discussion about “Clean Break,” the nature of compulsive habits, what the addiction cycle looks like, and specific interventions to break bad habits.

Throughout the show we talk about the mystery of God’s providence, the role of grace in our healing, and why God allows us to struggle with certain sins.

This show was recorded in December 2021.

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Websites mentioned in the show:
Brotherhood of Hope
“Clean Break” Book


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