092 – Dating Well

After years of development and months of talking about it on the podcast, I’m happy to announce that Dating Well is finally out! That’s my online course that guides young adults through the whole dating journey. In honor of its release, I’m changing things up today and for the first time on Always Hope, I am the guest not the host.

Jason Angelette, Director of the Faith and Marriage Apostolate, interviews me on my own show to talk about the ins and outs of Dating Well. We talk about who the program is for, what it seeks to accomplish, and how to access it.

We also explore how developing good habits aids you in life and in dating, what qualities to look for when dating someone, how to navigate arguments, and what the purpose of dating is.

Getting Dating Well Here!

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Websites mentioned in the show:

Dating Well
Women’s Giving Circle
Faith and Marriage

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