090 – Jason Shanks on Innovation, Creativity, and Suffering

What if you were unconscious for 6 weeks due to a severe battle with Covid? How would that experience shape your faith, knowing that prayers and a miracle saved your life? How would that change your relationship with your family, God, and life itself? What if you also happened to be the president of a large philanthropic organization in the midst of major projects that you felt were inspired by God? 

Joining me on the show to talk about all of that is Jason Shanks, President of Our Sunday Visitor Institute. We kind of have two conversations at once in this interview. We talk about the OSV Challenge, why the Church needs innovators, and how to embrace your creative side (even if you’re not an artist). And we also dive into Jason’s near-death experience, his recovery, and what that experience taught him about life, reality, and valuing the ordinary. 

You’re going to love toady’s episode!

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmariosacasa/

Websites mentioned in the show:
OSV Institute
OSV Challenge

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