084 – Dr. Tom Neal on How to Not Discern

I’ve covered discernment many times in previous episodes on what to look for and best practices when making decisions. But today, I’ve taken a spotlight to errors I continuously hear from young adults about making decisions.

Joining me on the show again is Dr. Tom Neal, expert on the spiritual life and discernment, to banter and dissect some of these errors we commonly hear. Yes, this episode is critical of certain approaches, but if you are looking for the positive teachings that undergird our critiques, please listen to those previous episodes with Dr. Neal, Fr. Gallagher, Fr. Rafferty, Sr. Garrett, etc.

In today’s show we look at cynicism’s impact on discernment, why it’s a good idea to be open to feedback and accountability, why your desires and interior motivations are part of the discernment process, how to be patient with the lack of clarity in discernment, and how to find the balance when looking for external signs to confirm a decision. 

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Interested in more episodes like this one? Check these out:

73. Are you healthy enough to discern a vocation? with St. Josephine Garrett

49. God’s Plan with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

33. What is Prayer? With Dr. Tom Neal

25. Spiritual Desolation with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

8. How to Discern a Lifelong Vocation with Fr. Jim Rafferty

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