082 – Margaret Sanger, John Paul II, Sex, and Human Freedom with Sarah Denny

Why should Catholics care about the teachings of Margaret Sanger? (After all, she is the foundress of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading provider of abortion and hormonal contraception.) Because understanding her life and thoughts provides insight into the current debates over women’s rights. 

Joining me on the show today is Sarah Denny, who is writing her doctoral dissertation on a comparative analysis of the writings and teachings of Margaret Sanger and John Paul II. No small feat for sure! Sarah is a sharp theologian and beautifully weaves us through the points of connection and disagreement between gender theory and Catholic teaching. 

In this episode, examine the context of Margaret Sanger’s life, her motivations, where she was right and where she was off. We, then, bring John Paul II into the conversation and his fuller vision of human freedom and love. It’s a long episode, where we get into the weeds of the birth of birth control, sex education, abortion, and fertility charting. 

Keep an open mind with this episode, it will challenge you. Beyond the topic itself, this episode is a case study on the importance of learning how to listen to those you disagree with. 

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