071 – Jason Angelette on the Death of his Wife and Life as a Widower

Dr. Mario Sacasa welcomes his friend Jason Angelette to talk about what life has been like as a widower. On August 16, 2020, Elise Angelette lost her earthly battle to cancer after a six-year fight. It’s been eight months since her passing, and this episode gives Jason space to share some reflections on what this new season in his life has taught him.

Jason is someone who has dedicated his life to marriage ministry and the study of the theology of marriage, so he is well equipped to speak about the beauty of marriage and put his experiences within that larger teaching of what marriage should be. He shares how 18 years of living a sacramental union has shaped him and lessons learned about bringing Christ in our grief. This is a casual conversation between friends that we are delighted to share with you.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drmariosacasa/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmariosacasa/

Websites mentioned in the show:

Jason’s Facebook Page

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