069 – Visio Divina: Disney/Pixar’s “Soul” with Bill Donaghy

Dr. Mario Sacasa welcomes back Bill Donaghy from the Theology of the Body Institute to do a visio divina with the movie “Soul” from Disney/Pixar, which is learning how to see, pray, and understand the deeper truths of a film.

In episode, they begin the discussion with a spoiler-free review before jumping into full deep dive into the movie. Then, they discuss the psychology of the film, the central message and its application to our lives, the theology of the movie, the limitations of that theology from a Catholic tradition, and if the movie was geared to adults or kids.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drmariosacasa/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmariosacasa/

Websites mentioned in the show:

Theology of the Body Virtual conference

Theology of the Body Institute

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