Humanae Vitae was the landmark encyclical by Pope Paul VI reaffirming the Catholic Church’s teachings against contraception. What was going in 1968, why did Paul VI see the need to write this encyclical, and why was there such a pushback against it?
Joining me on the show is Dr. Theresa Notare, the assistant director of the Natural Family Planning Program, Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, United State Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. She holds a Ph.D. in Catholic Church History from the Catholic University of America, making her the perfect person to talk about the historical context and lingering effects of Humanae Vitae.
In today’s episode, we talk about how she got into NFP ministry, how the 1960’s saw the third wave of modern feminism, the rise of strict pragmatism, the truth and beauty of Humanae Vitae, Karol Wojtyla’s role in making it happen, the harsh critique from professors at Catholic University of America, and where we stand now as an American Church on contraception.
Websites mentioned in the show:
Natural Family Planning Program, USCCB website