051 – Dating in Your 30’s with Dr. Roy Salgado

Dating in your 30’s can be tough. Finding someone who matches your values, that you find attractive, and that is still single is a challenge. What should you be looking for? Where should you be looking? How do you find the balance between pursing career goals and dating? 

Joining Dr. Mario on the show today is Dr. Roy Salgado, counseling professor at the University of Holy Cross, in New Orleans, LA. Roy openly shares his personal experiences of dating in his 30’s, getting married at age 41, and draws upon his counseling knowledge to offer some guidance on the topic.

In today’s episode, they discuss the importance of assessing your priorities and life circumstances, practical ideas on how to find a quality person to date, how your thoughts influence your expectations when dating, ideas for how to properly evaluate the person you are dating, and how to date again following a divorce.

Websites mentioned in the show:

Crescent City Counseling Facebook Page

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