048 – Same-Sex Attracted and Faithfully Catholic with Avera Maria Santo

Is it possible to be attracted to the same-sex, faithful to the Church’s teachings on sexual morality, and happy at all the same time? The answer is yes, even if that surprises you.

I am joined today by Avera Maria Santo, a speaker who openly shares about her journey as a faithful Catholic who is attracted to other women. In today’s episode, Avera’s story and experiences take center stage. We talk about when she started becoming aware of these feelings, how she started talking about it with others, what she has found helpful by the Church, what has not been helpful, and how she ministers to other young people with this issue. We also talk about the role of counseling in this process (hint: it’s not conversion therapy).

When the show is done, please find me on Facebook or Instagram @drmariosacasa to ask any questions you may have about this topic and others.

Our affiliate link for TOB virtual conference: https://drmario.krtra.com/t/mtGWFkUVbfYf

Avera Maria Santos’ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/averamariasanto/

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