Dr. Mario Sacasa welcomes Fr. Jeff Montz, Director of Spiritual Formation at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, LA to discuss the life and spiritual teachings of Archbishop Fulton Sheen, which was the focus of Fr. Jeff’s graduate thesis.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen was a frontrunner in using mass media to spread the Gospel. In today’s episode, they dissect the pillars of Archbishop Sheen’s spiritual teachings: the indispensability of a daily holy hour, recognizing the suffering is unavoidable in the spiritual journey, increasing our thirst to bring souls to Christ, and fostering a devotion to Mary. They examine how these spiritual principles apply to the life of seminarians, priests, and lay people.
Happy Advent and Merry Christmas everyone!
Websites mentioned in show:
“Life of Christ” by Fulton Sheen
Fr Jeff’s email: jmontz@nds.edu