018 – Know When to Get Married with Mary-Rose Verret

This is part 3 of my miniseries on dating and discernment and like the previous two episodes, I am trying to explore the balance between the theoretical and the practical when it comes to discernment because often the advice that is given errors one way or the other. In this episode, I target questions surrounding when you should move forward in a relationship and identifying red flags for when it is time to call it off.

Joining me today is Mary-Rose Verret, co-founder of the Witness to Love Marriage Preparation program, which she developed with her husband Ryan. I knew she had some wisdom to offer dating couples due to her years of experience prepping people for marriage. I love that their program integrates Attachment Theory and a Catholic Christian vision of marriage. Which if you follow me long enough, you’ll know that’s my psychological jam! They also have a unique way of approaching the use of mentor couples in marriage preparation.

In this episode, we talk about the needed support structures to help people with the transitions from single, to dating, to engaged, and to married. The difference between “sliding vs deciding” when moving towards marriage. The importance of being friends before rushing into a relationship. Also, she challenges married couples to open their homes to singles, which is hard when we are caught in our own family bubbles. And she encourages dating couples to have the hard conversations before engagement. Yes, it’s another great show!

Subscribe to Always Hope, so you don’t miss out on the last part of this mini-series.

Websites mentioned in the show:

  1. witnesstolove.org
  2. ‘A Diamond is Forever’ and Other Fairy Tales: The Relationship between Wedding Expenses and Marriage Duration

Dialogue with me:
FB: @drmariosacasa
IG: @drmariosacasa

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