014 – Redemptive Suffering with Dr. Dawn Eden Goldstein

In this podcast, I often talk about suffering in life and various ways to overcome it. That’s because I believe that knowing how to handle our suffering is the key to unlocking personal maturity and happiness. So, in today’s show, I am focusing the conversation squarely on understanding how to make suffering redemptive. Redemptive suffering is not an oxymoron, but an invitation by Christ to unite all aspects of our lives with his passion and resurrection.
Joining me on the show is Dr. Dawn Eden Goldstein, author, public speaker, and assistant professor of dogmatic theology at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, CT. She has written about healing and suffering in her popular books. Also, exploring the development of a Catholic theology of redemptive suffering was the focus of her doctoral dissertation.
In this episode, we define the nature of redemptive suffering, the process of bringing our sufferings (big and small) to Christ, the proper role of ascetical practices in the spiritual life, the role of memory in the spiritual life, and concerns with prayer techniques that ignore natural methods of healing (specifically one that is commonly known as “inner healing prayer”).
This is another great show and it will help you better understand how to bring your daily aches of life to prayer and relationship with Christ.

Websites mentioned in the show:
1. Dr. Dawn Eden’s blog: https://dawneden.blogspot.com
2. Dr. Dawn Eden’s twitter account: @dawnofmercy
3. Dr. Mario’s earlier posts on Inner Healing Prayer: https://mariosacasa.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/sacasa-healing-prayer-critique-1.pdf

Dialogue with me:
FB: @drmariosacasa
IG: @drmariosacasa

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