013 – The Lost Art of Financial Generosity with Cory Howat

Debt, savings, spending, and tithing… for many of us, money is a topic of conversation that no one wants to have. We all attribute certain values to money: power, freedom, guilt, or shame. And because I love talking about the hard things in life and we need to go here, have an honest conversation about why money makes us feel so uncomfortable and what we can do to make these conversations easier, so that we can be more generous with our finances.

Joining me on the show is my friend Cory Howat, the Director of the Catholic Community Foundation in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. He is someone who I think has never struggled talking about money and brings a clarity to this topic that is disarming, encouraging, and freeing. In this episode, we discuss reasons why talking about money is so hard. Define stewardship as an outgrowth of gratitude. How the ‘need to give’ is a holy desire too often forgotten. Ideas of what Catholic parishes can do to help people get back on track with their finances. And how Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University is a great model that can be incorporated within a Catholic framework.

Another great episode is on dock for you today. As with every show, I pray that it helps you navigate through the challenges of life.


Websites mentioned in show:
Archdiocese of New Orleans Catholic Community Foundation: http://cf.arch-no.org
Dave Ramsey: daveramsey.com

Dialogue with me:
FB: @drmariosacasa
IG: @drmariosacasa

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