011 – The Laity Rules with Dr. Tom Neal, Part 2

This part 2 of my conversation about the lay vocation with Dr. Tom Neal, professor of Spiritual and Pastoral Theology at Notre Dame Seminary.  If you missed part 1, click on the link in the show description. We pick up right where it left off

In this episode, we have an honest conversation about the joys and challenges of being a lay person employed by the Catholic Church and cast a realistic vision of how lay people and ordained ministers can work more collaboratively and fruitfully. We end this conversation with a lengthy discussion about the Church scandals and Dr. Neal offers one of the best and nuanced responses lay people should have to the clergy abuse.

I hope that enjoy these episodes and remember to subscribe to the show!

Websites mentioned in the show:

Episode 010 – The Laity Rules with Dr. Tom Neal, Part 1

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