009 – Love Chooses Morality with Dr. Sarah Bartel

Doesn’t it seem like morality has become a bad word in our culture? Or that trying to be a good and moral person is not an ideal we should strive for anymore. That is probably because we overly associate morality with just following rules. But, what if morality is not so much about the do’s and don’ts but rather a response to love and intentionally making decisions to help us live better? And if that’s the case, well how do we raise our kids to have a good sense of morality?

That is today’s topic of conversation and joining me is Dr. Sarah Bartel; wife, mother, and moral theologian within the Archdiocese of Seattle. Dr. Bartel is a regular contributor for Northwest Catholic, co-hosts the radio program Enduring Love, and just released her first book, A Catechism for Family Life from CUA Press.

In this episode, we talk about how the Rich Young Man’s questions to Jesus (Matthew 19:16-22) are key to the moral life, how love and secure attachment must be the foundation for moral reasoning, trusting that as parents we are probably doing a better job than we give ourselves credit for, why some moral questions are clear and why others aren’t, and the need to call for grace when making tough decisions.

Websites mentioned in the show:


Dr. Bartel’s book “Catechism for Family Life”

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