008 – How to Discern a Lifelong Vocation with Fr. Jim Rafferty

Discernment is tricky business and discerning a lifelong vocation is down-right hard! Knowing how to listen to God’s will, shifting through our desires, and ultimately having the confidence to make a decision is no small task. Knowing what to listen to in prayer and how to respond appropriately is the focus of today’s episode.

Joining me via Skype is Fr. Jim Rafferty, the Director of Communication and Mission at the Institute of Priestly Formation in Omaha, NE. As a diocesan priest for 24-years, Fr. Rafferty has walked with many folks through their vocational discernment. He has a unique perspective on this topic that I highly value.

I had the pleasure of speaking with him about the need to see love as the central motivating role in any vocational call, the difficulty of living with desire, why choosing the hardest option is not always good discernment, advice for individuals who leave the seminary or Religious life, and what parents can do to aid their children’s discernment.

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