As a culture, we rightly believe that empowerment and education often go hand-in-hand. Therefore, empowering women should also mean better education on the natural rhythms of her cycle. The need for both men and women to grow in fertility awareness is the topic of today’s episode and joining me today is FertilityCare Practitioner and campus minister, Sarah Denny.
Sarah is dedicating her doctoral research on these issues, while specifically examining the effects hormonal contraception is having of young women’s psychology. In this episode, we talk about the advances in women’s health sciences regarding fertility care, why hormonal birth control should not be considered a panacea to women’s health issues, and the effects it is having on our relationships.
I hope this episode encourages women and men to embrace the beauty and struggles of a woman’s natural fertility rhythms. At the end of the episode, we give you resources for more information on this important topic.
To contact Sarah Denny, go to or email her at
Websites mentioned in the show:
“Economics of Sex” Youtube video: