004 – Loving Social Communication with Dr. Daniella Zsupan-Jerome

Social media is ruining everything! It is killing our brains and relationships. That is what we hear, and while yes there is truth to that, what if, social media isn’t the problem, per se? What if the problem rests on the lack of charity and virtue within the users themselves? What if the onus was on us to be better, not the technology.

Joining me is social communications expert Dr. Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, professor of pastoral theology and director of lay formation programs at Notre Dame Seminary. She has one of the most clear and nuanced voices on this topic. In this show, we start by examining what communication is in a broader and theological context. We then talk about the good digital media has to offer and reasons for the “troll” (negative) culture found on the internet. We look at the Catholic Church scandals of 2002 and 2018 and talk about how the rise of digital media in that 16-year span has influenced the nature of the conversations had by the laity.

This episode is reminder to me and everyone who listens, that we are called to love and charity of our neighbors in all places…even digital ones.

To contact Dr. Daniella, email her at daniellazsupanjerome@gmail.com

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