003 – Broken and Blessed with Fr. Josh Johnson

Millennials are not as involved in religious traditions as previous generations. This is undeniable. Yet, rather than being intimated by this, let’s see it as an opportunity. Instead of feeling the pressure to change Church teachings or come up with some new gimmick to make the faith more hip, how about we just to get back to the basics, encourage prayer and a relationship with Jesus?

These are the thoughts proposed by today’s guest, Fr Josh Johnson, a priest of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, LA. He is popular speaker, podcaster, and has just released his first book, “Broken and Blessed: An Invitation to My Generation.” Yes, he is a busy guy. And a millennial priest! He loves speaking to his generation of believers. In this episode, we talk about possible reasons for the sharp decline in religious affiliation among millennials, the importance of encouraging prayer as the first step for evangelization, listening and responding to the messages of the culture, and we end briefly discussing how our Churches are affected by racism.

To contact Fr. Josh Johnson, send him an email at askfrjosh@ascensionpress.com. Or follow him on Instagram and Twitter: @frjoshjohnson

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