We know that pornography is a huge problem, but what can churches do to combat the issue? Joining me on the show to talk through that question is Sam Black, author of “The Healing Church: What churches get wrong about pornography and how to fix it.” Sam is also the director of recovery education at Covenant Eyes.
In today’s episode, we talk about the value of Covenant Eyes for families and not just for individuals struggling with porn, the importance of ongoing conversations with our kids, how churches can proactively tackle this issue through sermons, homilies, and offering groups, why we need to be aware of the scope of this issue, how it impacts men and women, the effects of early exposure, how to establish ally relationships, and what to do when priests and ministry leaders struggle with pornography.
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Websites mentioned in the show:
Free copy of “The Healing Church” book (limited to 25)
The Healing Church Book
Safe Haven Sunday
Covenant Eyes