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Episode 151 – Goodbye Willwoods

Hey everyone! Today, I am announcing the biggest update to the show since its inception: I’m leaving Willwoods and stepping out on my own. I will soon be launching my own platform, allowing me to focus and expand the work of Always Hope and Dating Well. I’m working hard on a new website, Always Hope YouTube channel, weekly episodes, Hope

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Episode 150 – Gender Identity, Middle School, and the Theology of the Body | Colin and Aimee MacIver

Join us on the Always Hope Podcast as Dr. Mario sits down with Colin and Aimee MacIver to discuss their groundbreaking program, “Envision Theology of the Body for Middle School.” This episode delves into the revitalization of the original Theology of the Body for Teens, tailored to address contemporary issues faced by today’s youth. Colin and Aimee share insights into

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Episode 149 – Dedicated Singlehood | Luanne Zurlo

In today’s episode, I welcome Luanne Zurlo for an engaging discussion about dedicated singlehood in the Catholic Church. We explore the nuances between dedicated singlehood, consecrated virginity, and the secular world’s concept of single life. Luanne shares her personal journey of discerning her vocation, the importance of deep prayer, and how she found peace and joy in her dedicated single

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Episode 147 – The Four Levels of Happiness | Fr. Robert Spitzer

Happiness is an elusive ideal. What contributes to it? Why does it feel like happiness is a Game of Whac-a-Mole? When we feel it in one place, somewhere else gets misaligned. But how does having faith and living a moral life aid in the quest for achieving happiness? To discuss these questions and more, I welcome Fr. Robert Spitzer, host

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Episode 146 – At Peace but not at Rest: Mother Cabrini | Kristen Theriault

Let’s talk about Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini! In today’s episode, I welcome back Kristen Theriault, spokesperson for Sophia Institute Press, to discuss all things related to Mother Cabrini, including the new Cabrini movie by Angel Studies, and two books by Sophia: The World is Too Small: The Life and Times of Mother Cabrini and The Mother Cabrini Companion: A Spiritual

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Dating is difficult,
let's learn how to do it better.

Speaking Events

Past Event: “Hope Leads the Way” Seminar at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Tallahassee, Florida

Talk 1: Hope as a Psychological Trait

Talk 3: The Power of Hope

Talk 2: Hope as a Theological Virtue

  • Check back soon for upcoming events!

    I am a Catholic Christian husband and father, that’s my primary vocation and passion. I am happily married to my wife of 16 years, Kristin, and together we share the joy of parenting our four sons. At Willwoods, I am blessed to serve as the Associate Director of the Faith and Marriage Apostolate. In this position, I work closely with my friend Jason Angelette (Director) as we try to serve married couples and individuals on their journey of faith. I offer retreats and lectures, write for the blog, and host a bi-weekly podcast, Always Hope.

    Through our ministry, you can certainly expect some great content specifically targeted for married couples. I am proud of the work we do for couples and hope that these resources bless you. Yet, renewing our culture to be pro-marriage means more than just supporting married couples. The undergirding themes of love and faith transcend all states of life. So, if you are single or dating and happened to come across this page or listened to my podcast, know that you are in the right place, too.

    As a marriage counselor, I strongly believe that good theology and good counseling theory can work together. You will see this mash-up throughout my writings, lectures, and podcasts.

    I am happy you are here with us and hope you enjoy what we have to offer!



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