134 – What Single Men Need to Know About Dating | Chad Etzel

Joining me on the show is Chad Etzel, leadership coach and host of the Catholic, Single, and Flourishing Podcast, to talk through the challenges of being a single guy in the dating scene today.

We discuss the limiting beliefs that men often have pertaining to dating, unhelpful cultural messages about men, looking at dating and talking to women as skills that can be developed, the pressures of being one of the few guys at young adult events, the differences in dating from high school to young adulthood, defining dating success, how to know when a girl is interested, how to ask a her out, and what talk to about on the first date.

Ladies chime in and let us know if any of these approaches work!

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Websites mentioned in the show:
Catholic, Single, and Flourishing Podcast

Dr. Mario Sacasa

Dr. Mario Sacasa

Associate Director of Faith and Marriage

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