128 – Making Education Catholic | Dr. Brett Salkeld

What is the goal of the education system? And how should a Catholic education differ from others? If you are an educator, school administrator, or have kids in school, I promise that you need to pay attention to this episode.

Joining me on the show is Dr. Brett Salkeld, archdiocesan theologian for the Archdiocese of Regina in Canada, and author of the book, “Educating for Eternity: A Teacher’s Companion for Making Every Class Catholic.” In today’s show we discuss how the goals of education should aim higher that just forming productive citizens of society, the importance of knowing how your values influence your teaching, how to appropriately integrate Catholicism into the various teaching disciplines, and the need to avoid indoctrination and political fearmongering.

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Websites mentioned in the show:
“Educating for Eternity” book

Dr. Mario Sacasa

Dr. Mario Sacasa

Associate Director of Faith and Marriage

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