121 – Psychology and the Cross | Kristen Van Uden

Can Psychology and Catholicism play nicely together? Absolutely they can and an early attempt to explain how is found in the book, “Psychology and The Cross,” written in 1959 by Fr. G. Emmett Carter.

Since Fr. Carter passed away in 2003, I have Kristen Van Uden, from Sophia Institute Press, joining me on the show to talk about his insights.

In today’s episode, we discuss why, as a parish priest, he was interested in this topic, ways psychology and Catholic Faith work together, the ways they don’t, the limitations of materialism, how to understand personal development in a Christian context, the importance of community, the psychological need for values, and how to navigate fear in life.

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Websites mentioned in the show:

“Psychology and The Cross” Book

Dr. Mario Sacasa

Dr. Mario Sacasa

Associate Director of Faith and Marriage

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