110 – Elisa Neven-Pugh on Hope with Disability

Joining me on the show is Elisa Neven-Pugh, a young Christian woman who has Cerebral Palsy Quadriplegia. Elisa reached out to me after listening to my lectures on hope to share about her experience of having a disability and how faith guides her understanding of her condition.

Elisa beautifully and honestly shares her story, what it was like growing up with a disability, what it feels like to have others look at her, how to overcome a disability mindset, and how coming to receive the love of Christ has increased her acceptance of her condition.

Please know that Elisa has difficulty speaking at times and you may need to rewind parts to not miss what she is saying but pay attention and hear the beauty she offers in this episode.

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Websites mentioned in the show: Why Am I Here and What’s My Purpose? Article

Dr. Mario Sacasa

Dr. Mario Sacasa

Associate Director of Faith and Marriage

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