109 – Elizabeth Busby – Answering Your Questions about Dating

oining me on the show is Elizabeth Busby, director programs at the Theology of the Body Institute, creator of the dating program Next Step, and host of the Discerning Marriage Podcast

In today’s episode, we answer the following questions about dating that came from our Instagram followers.

  1. What to do if I’m a woman who is not getting asked out on dates?
  2. How do you now if you are doing the will of God when dating online?
  3. How can I be more like the Blessed Virgin Mary while I’m in a relationship?
  4. How to communicate with one another when communication styles are different?

Hang on for this fun episode, we go off the rails at times. If you find this episode helpful, please leave a rating or write a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, share it on the socials, or simply tell a friend about it. Spread the word about the good stuff that’s happening on Always Hope.

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Websites mentioned in the show:

Next Step Program
Theology of the Body Institute

Dr. Mario Sacasa

Dr. Mario Sacasa

Associate Director of Faith and Marriage

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